
Jul 12, 2011 14:58

Two things:
1) Meds. Apparently, Synthroid is a tier 2 medication. This means that even the insurance company recognizes that generics aren't perfect imitations or at least can't justify denying it. Also, that means I pay $30 for it instead of the $50 it would cost if the insurance company decided that a generic would work just as well.

2) Being sick like this feels weird. Like, the fact is, I feel bad. I feel tired. I feel irritable. I don't like not being able to identify it because it feels like I don't have a reason. So I can't argue with my review at work saying I'm unmotivated and unreliable. I can't argue with my parents telling me how lazy I am because I sleep too much. So I have this accompanying guilt because I feel like I should be doing more things. I should be making and selling jewelry. I should be reading more books. I should be prepping to go back to school. I should be doing...something.
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