Update: Family Outing, Greyhounds, etc

Mar 28, 2006 19:49

Lessee.... What have I been up to?

Last Thursday Taltos gave me a big scare. I was over at a friend's house when I got a call from Matt, who said that Taltos was missing - he had escaped through our open backyard gate. Which reminds me. I need to buy some combination locks for our gates, since I think it was our neighbors' children who got into our back yard. Matt and I never use the gate. Anyway, I ran home to search the neighborhood. I drove through the neighborhood carefully and slowly but no luck. So while Matt stayed at home and called Animal Control (in case they picked him up before we found him), I wandered around on foot, worried sick. I slowly walked back home only to be met halfway by Matt who told me the hound had returned home, none the worse for wear. Whew!

Saturday was a lot of fun. That morning (early!) Matt and I drove out to Pilot Point to some slaughter house to pick up some suet. Matt needs it to make puddings or some such. Oh yeah. When I say "some" suet, it's like 10 lbs!!

After that, we headed to the Dallas Museum of Art to go to the Mayan exhibit with my family. Missed Chris, Mary, and Aaron since they didn't come. Sioux and Dave didn't come to the museum but showed up for the later stuff. The exhibit was very interesting. Not as much eye candy as the Chinese exhibit last year, but very interesting none the less. I didn't know, but the Mayans used cacao beans as currency. Smart people. Mmm. Chocolate. One of their feast beverages was warmed water with chocolate, chile, honey, and some sap that was a frothing agent. Mmm. My favorite piece of art on exhibit was a ceramic pot that had a god, depicted as an old man, riding a peccary. Heh. Oh and the frog in the bowl sculpture. That one made me laugh.

I renewed my membership, too, since some of the exhibits later this year will certainly be worth visiting as well. Upcoming are the art of Louis Comfort Tiffany starting in June with more than 120 of his pieces, and then a Van Gogh exhibit with about fifty of his works in late October. Both really sounded interesting! And I only have to go three times to make up the membership expense, plus it's tax deductible. ^_~

After the museum, we headed over to Ian & Nikki's new place. Wow, what a beautiful home they're making! And I finally got to see Taltos play with a dog that understood Taltos's play-speak. Ian & Nikki have a boxer named Bart and the two dogs had a blast chasing each other around the back yard, heh. It was fun watching them. I wished there was a bigger play area just to see how fast and far they could go.

While there, I also played with Kyrie (of course). I gave her Matt's jedi robe muslin test-run that was way too small for Matt. I trimmed down the sleeves and bottom hem, which she'll re-hem using her new sewing machine. Then we pretended to be rulers of a small country. I can't recall if we named the country, though. Anyway, we carefully planned an assault of the DMA to capture our enemy country's leader, who was of course hiding in the DMA's restaurant. The DMA, as you must know, was merely a front for our enemy's nefarious activities. We had a detailed blue-print of the building, which facilitated our attack (ie the program guide had the building layout ^_~). Princess Kyrieann led the assault, while I, being queen and more recognizable, stayed back and monitored the assault from our headquarters on the stairs.

Matt did some sewing recently and figured out how to make flat caps. He did that and a sash for his italian outfit. I wonder if we'll need another sewing machine soon....

Usually during my lunch break I head over to finari and narkeys's house to eat and to take our dogs out for a walk. Yesterday was no exception, but I also got to meet another greyhound on our walk. This hound was a good inch and a half taller than my own, and I thought Taltos was tall! Taltos has more muscle definition thanks to his foster-dad and his race training. Taltos's foster-dad used to walk him a good seven miles a day. Their boy had never raced before, as they rescued him when he was six months old. He was such a sweety, of course. Fawn brindle with a lot more fawn than black, and soft, soft fur. He gave me nose kisses, too. What a cutie!

Last night I dreamt of a greyhound, too. There was mass civil chaos (a disaster? I don't know) and for some reason I was taking an El into Dallas, when I found a greyhound puppy on the floor by my feet in a plastic bag. Yes. But this is a dream, so of course it makes no sense. :P I scooped it up and unwrapped it and took it home with me. It turned out that I wasn't sure whether not it was an actual greyhound or a lurcher, but I wanted to keep it none the less. So maybe I need to get Taltos a brother. ^_~

Oh, yeah. I was quite disappointed by the costumes from War and Peace. The cover gave me such hope, too. The story was ok, since I haven't read the book, but the costumes were all wrong. ;_; The waists were just under the ribcage, instead of the imperial style under the breasts as it should have been. I think I need to start a search for decent (they don't have to be spectacular) films that have good, fairly accurate costumes set in the Napoleonic era... Oh, yeah. With women in the film, too, since I already have all the Horatio Hornblower (with Ioan Gruffudd) and Sharpe's (with Sean Bean). :P

Oh! I just found out via IMDB that there's going to be another Sharpe's movie! Whee!

Tonight, sewing with finari!

museums, critters, update, family, taltos

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