Dec 11, 2006 20:19
Wow. So things have gotten a bit lively at our residence.
First, of course, there's the Case of the Car-Killing Deer on Thanksgiving. I never heard from the insurance adjustor, although in all fairness, if he called the shop and I wasn't there, no one except me answers the phone so a message may have been misdirected. So anyway, I emailed our insurance agent (who rocks, by the way), to let him know and in half an hour he had me set up to contact Service King, who are taking care of everything else. All I had to do was drop off my poor injured Saturn and pick up a rental. All this morning. Hooray! Well, except for the deductible, which will be a big ouch. So Merry Christmas, Jay & Matt!
The next excitement started just before our little batch of snow last week. Our heater is wonky. It blows luke-warm air. So we've had this little space heater in our room and we stayed in our bedroom to stay warm. I've heard Matt refer to it as the fort.
Then, my awesome brother-in-law came over to try to fix things up before last week's freeze and discovered that our breaker box is... um... shall we say dangerous? All the switches were turned off and he still managed to spark himself. Owie. That was when he called his efforts done and brought in some of his friends to work on things for us. We got it all settled and now have a new breaker box. Well, the heater is still wonky, but we now have parts and at least the breaker box is safe now so we can turn things on and off with no fear of earning a punk hairdo without the hair spray but with all the gravity defiance you could possibly want.
Saturday was super-filled. We woke up early to take the hound over to our friend's house and then headed to Austin for our friends' Scott and Hope's wedding and reception. It was held in a very pretty, intimate Methodist chapel filled with poinsettas. Hope was beautiful, of course, and Scott very handsome in his tux. For a gift, Matt and I gave them two things. One thing that was serious, and one thing for fun: a video about building a strong marriage, and a set of paints for miniature painting, since we knew for a fact that that was a particular hobby of theirs. Best of all, Matt wrapped the gifts in an issue of the City of Heroes comic, since both of them work for NC Soft. Hehe. After the reception, we headed back up to Denton, picked up the hound and went home and directly to bed.
I've also called the vet and am to take the hound in for a check-up. He hurt his back by jumping into my Saturn before the back door was all the way up and slammed into it as he leapt. Poor hound. I felt like such a terrible person for not paying closer attention - I had been concentrating on getting the door up and his leash had slacked. Anyway, I gave him his left-over painkiller/anti-inflammatories and he seems to feel ok, but now there's this swelling lump at the place of impact. The swelling is all fluids, I can tell. My boss says it's white blood cells gathering there to protect the injury. Taltos lets me fiddle with it without complaint, so I don't think it causes him a ton of pain, although it worries me. I'm calling it Junior, and have been calling the hound Quasimodo. Luckily, neither the injury nor the swelling seem to have slowed him down any - he still runs his laps and such, but I'm concerned. So off to the vet we go tomorrow.
Voila! That is my last two weeks.