Oct 28: I went to the Lake to spend some quality time with
tempest_sky, with the hubby and
finari. Of course I had a ball. I always have a wonderful time at the lake. Heck. If all I did was curl up and read while there, I would still have a great time. Anyway, the very first thing we did was tour the Boat Club in the golf cart. I also love golf carts, heh. After the tour, we did our standard Denison trip to the little alternative store there called Bec Art. They always have some cool things. Next time, I'm going to pick up one of their glass incense burners and the tiny essential oil bottle.
After Bec Art, we went back to TempestSky's place and played Werewolf. My husband, wonderful lovely man that he is, agreed to run our Girls' Game for the three of us and he pretty much picked up where the old game left off. Oddly enough, it was almost one year to the date of our last game. Anyway, He is such a good story teller, and pretty much immediately made the game his. I love his NPCs, heh. I wasn't totally sure if TempestSky enjoyed herself because she was so quiet, but she assured me that she thoroughly enjoyed herself.
About 4pm, we took a break and went to watch Matt and Tim clean up a 75 pound catfish. Yes, I did say 75 pounds! TempestSky took some
pictures of it, too.
After that little break and some food, we resumed the game and then called it quits around 10pm to head back to DFW. *sigh* What a lovely day!
Matt and I also had sushi with
annawick and
spar30, who were celebrating their sixth anniversary. Six, right? I think yall got married the year after Matt and I... Anyway, the sushi was great, the company was excellent and in all, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.
Nov 4: Matt and I went shooting, and our friend Glen came down from Tulsa and hung out pretty much the whole weekend. I'm still sad they moved, even though hopefully it is temporary and they'll be back in three years after he is done with law school. After that, we chilled out at our place, then headed over to the Buddhist Wat in Keller for their Loi Krathong celebration. Mmm. Lots of good Thai food was eaten.
Nov 10: Friday night had us over at Rob & Sioux's place, where we watched movies and chatted. I didn't get to spend much time with the Kyrster since her bedtime is so early. She did have the chance to show off her Water Bender outfit that she wore for Halloween. Sioux made it and did an excellent job of it. Oo. And for dinner, Sioux made some bacon-wrapped garlic shrimp that was simply mouth-wateringly good. Mmm. I am *still* drooling, just thinking about it. Anyway, this Thanksgiving, I'll make sure to spend some quality time with Kyrie at my parents' place. She's growing up into quite the like-able girl.
Nov 11: We left Rob & Sioux's in the morning, hoofed it over to our place to drop off the hound, then went to Dallas for the
DFWCG gathering. I decided to re-do my
petticoat to be more useful to a natural form 1880s petticoat rather than for a hoop skirt as it was originally done, so I ripped out the old waistband and re-pleated it and basted on the new waistband while chatting with the others at the gathering. It is really helpful for me to have to kind of "report" in regarding my costuming goals. Well, technically we're not reporting in at all, but it's inspiring to be around other people who are such accomplished costumers and so I seem to get more done. Neat! I still need to put on the fasteners and actually machine stitch the waistband on, but the hard part is done. The machine stitching will take literally ten minutes, if that.
After the DFWCG gathering, Matt and I headed back up to the shop for the game that our friend Mike is running. My character almost got taken away by Strahd (yes, the DM plopped us in Ravenloft!), but for the quick thinking of a party member who switched places with me via some kind of dimension door or something right before Strahd's teleport, Strahd has now got a monk with him instead of my character. And that's how that evening's session ended. Heh.
And there you have it. At least I updated *before* the SASS event this time! ^_~