Mar 28, 2010 19:28
I could use some ideas here. I've been self-employed before. I had a bookstore for a few years, before I started working where I am now. This town is too small to support a venture like that. I knew that before I started but I had to try. It failed, but only financially. It was a success in that it was a dream I'd held for a long time. I did it. It was wonderful while it lasted. There is no fail there.
Anyway, my job is becoming intolerable in so many ways. It feels like a sinking ship. I know it will last, but I don't like it there. It's not something I dreamed about doing. It's not something I'm passionate about. There's a lot of poison in my workplace.
I want to do something I enjoy. I'm completely aware of the risks of self-employment, the lack of pension and benefits and all the rest. Been there, done that, want to do it again. :)
I'm sure if I put my mind to it I could think of something I could try, maybe part time to start with, but for now I'd love to hear what you would do or what you think I could try.
If you were self-employed (I know at least one lovely f-lister who is already self-employed) what would you do? Be practical, be fanciful. I'd love to hear your dreams of freedom from jobs you hate, or just something you'd love to attempt in your retirement years, however far off they may be.
And maybe you'll give me some ideas to mull over. ;-P
state of moi,
i hate my job