Nov 28, 2008 21:48
Can it be true? I'm finally free of the self-diluted, wankified, migraine-inducing, obsessive compulsive, screable likes of JaeHo Detox? 8D I really cannot believe how much of a weight has been removed from my shoulders.
The JaeHo fandom has gone completely to HELL and not in a pretty red handbasket. Or should I say the ENTIRE JaeHo fandom. I can no longer take part in it because it is full of um...I need to use one word for this because the amount of words I really want to use would take two or three posts...pedantic individuals? Maybe a few troglodytes (and yes I learned of this word long before the movie 54).
But I will throw in a couple words I did learn that apply to this fandom as I know it: excerebrose and benighted. I learned of these phrases through my intelligent English teacher. :D :D :D He has given me a couple new outlooks on the fans I used to associate myself with.
Either way, I won't let a community that is going to shit take away my love for JaeHo. The quicker I get away from those that made the community (and the fandom) a pain in my ass...the better. JaeHo is more than that to me, and I won't have people like that taking my views and trying to twist them. ♥ I literally feel sick having thrust it all on Nhaca though...she didn't deserve so much ungratefulness. Those that never appreciated an attempt to keep the fandom the way it used to be before it went to complete shit have twisted views of the fandom now. XD Which is why I need to get away from it. I can celebrate my love of JaeHo on my own, I no longer need the help of the fandom itself as it is way too overrated and probably will be until JaeHo is no longer doted on as much as it is now. The fans I knew and loved will come back when the pairing has died out, hopefully, and then I can celebrate it with them once again as I did before.
Cheesy view? Maybe so, but fuck off if you don't like it. :)
Those of the people that did support the movement to keep JaeHo a lovely's much appreciated on my end...nowadays with the multitude of others...well...I'm not so sure. I can completely understand now why so many of the better fans of JaeHo have completely WALKED away from the fandom and became silent fans...I only regret not doing it sooner.
But as I am focusing on getting my degree and moving on with my life...I may become a silent fan myself. Fandoms come and go, but the real fans will always come back. I'll come back eventually...but I will just stay tucked away in my oldschool JaeHo world until I feel the storm of insanity and overwhelming kaleidoscope of irritation has subsided. The JaeHo fandom has become a rash to me lately...and instead of itching it or applying aloe vera to it...I'll just cut that part of my skin off and put it in a petri dish in the fridge until I feel like reattaching it. ♥ Disgusting analogy, no?
Har har. All done for today. Just wanted to post about the immense amount of relief I feel for finally being free of it all~
Is it bad that I regret ever creating Detox but I will never regret giving it to Nhaca (whom I love and adore like she couldn't begin to believe)?
Hm. I will ponder that as I revel in the freedom!