Feb 22, 2007 11:25
Last night I decided to drop by again at Heroshock before going home but this is the message that appeared.I asked my friend Ryn to translate it for me and here is her reply....
이번 일과 관련한 모든 책임은 저희 운영진에게 있습니다.
모든 비난과 질타 다 새겨 듣겠습니다. 다 안고 가겠습니다.
오랜 고민 끝에, HEROSHOCK는 여기서 이만 끝을 맺고자 합니다.
아껴주셨던 시간들 너무나도 감사했고, 불미스러운 일로 끝을 맺게 되어 죄송합니다.
홈에서 불미스러운 일로 언급된 동방신기 멤버들에게 사죄의 말을 올립니다.
어떤 식으로든 언급되었던 모든 분들께도 사죄드립니다. 죄송합니다.
구구절절한 설명을 원하시는 분들도 계시겠지만 어떠한 말도 할 입장이 아닌것으로 생각되어 그만 물러가고자 합니다.
마지막으로 이 일로 인해 상처 입은 재중군과 재중군을 아끼시는 분들,
그리고 동방신기 팬분들께 고개 숙여 사죄드립니다. 죄송합니다.
생일관련 정산은 해당자에게 메일로 발송하고, 미니제제는 원하시는 분께 입금확인 후 차질없이 배송하도록 하겠습니다.
It says that it will close for quite a long time... probably not forever due to management and fund issues...
They thank all those who gave their time in building and making the site an active and happy place...
All things do go to an end and they are very much sorry that heroshock's time to end is inevitable.
They thank all the marvelous fans of DongBangShinKi, especially to those who love JaeJoong, for their love and support.
They truly apologize for this sudden decision to go offline.
THIS IS SO TERRIBLE! I'm pretty sure JJ is saddened by this sudden turn of events. It was just only yesterday when we members are celebrating the success of our birthday project. I'm going to email my contact there so she can shed some light on this issue. There are some posts on soompi listing down the reason behind it's closure but I don't know what to believe. I had a great time camping there almost everyday because they are so good in spoiling overseas fans with the latest news about Jaejoong. I regularly visit their korean section as well and I haven't read any post bashing anybody. If the "bashing" issue were true then I think it was done by just a few unscrupulous members. I do hope they can rebuild the site as well as the club.
To the MODS of HEROSHOCK, thank you for the good times and all the favors you've extended to us.
I want to wish you luck and I will wait for your comeback.