(no subject)

Apr 20, 2010 13:23


Transistor limitation is it maximum rated voltage, maximum rated current and it maximum rated power.
But our limitation is the sky.

In power transistor, the heat formed by the power dissipated - can cause permanent damage to the transistor - can be remove from by the additional of heat sink.
But our hatred and anger -can cause damage in heart- only can be remove by patient.

Power amplifier Class-B consists of complementary pair electronic device. Either one conduct the positive-half cycle. Both device are off when the input is zero.
Our kinship is complement each other. Either one will conduct the success. Both people will success only if both are striving.

Power amplifier Class-AB can remove the death band -crossover distortion- in Class-B by biasing the transistor with small quiescent current.
Our failure screwed up sometime. We remove the our death soul -angst- by positive thinking catalyzed by motivation.

Thyristor often used to control alternating current, where it will switch off automatically when there is change in polarity.
But people are keep changing within time. Due hard situation or instantly changing.
