Before the reveal, the mods would like to thank everyone for participating, for reading and for being so, so, so patient. Exchanges take a lot of coordination between the writers, which can lead to delays, but everyone was such a trooper.
Special shout out to all those who pitched in and went above and beyond:
xcorpusdelictix and Anon Z. You all came through and really helped us when we were in a bind. You all were amazing!
Thank you all for sticking with us! The
updated masterlist will be posted Jaeho Detox and shared with the wider YunJae audience. Have a great year, everyone.
Secret Santa Christmas for Anon. M by
mcarol85Fashionably Formulated for
demonshide7 by
smartcatt사랑해도 될까요 for
mint_whispers by
serendipitycmDeep in the Cave of a Toothless Wolf for
hana_cho by
haru_ranMy Obsession for
little_passions by
chouxchanVictory for
beecassiopeia by
shizukanaiWaltz of Pursuit for
chouxchan by
mearii87Elevator Escalation for
xcorpusdelictix by
hana_choUnprofessional Relations for
sashii09 by
yoochunforeheadSummer's Sun for
akira_32 by
enkaychiEarly Grey Mornings for
bicycleforfive by
standbymy5godsAlways for
enkaychi by
fyunjaeLiebesfreud for
creedee by
nurararaStages of Love for
Violetsauce by Anon G.
Sequins and Blush and Mascara, Oh My! for
fyunjae by Anon. M
Under the Willow Tree for Anon. G by
beecassiopeiaThe King and the Sorcerer for
youngwoong by
demonshide7A Love Like This for
changmomo by
creedeeThe Scandal for
14angelfire by
ZaraNK1Hic Sunt Dracones for
mearii87 by
corellianrogueAspiring Moments for
corellianrogue by
mint_whispersOde to U for
abrildelarge by LetsMeetInOurDreams5
The Solitude He Wanted for
mitsui_tsuru by
NasthycielleThe Chef and His Bodyguard for
meanie_minnie by
taemunStory for
serendipitycm by
mywhitedecemberNot Another High School Romance for
yunhore by
xcorpusdelictixDream Escape for
standbymy5gods by
sashii09The Escape for
yoochunforehead by
changmomoWherever the Wind Blows for
mywhitedecember by
countingcrowsSlowly, Breathlessly Swept Away for
shizukanai by
tempesteruIt's the Small Things for
smartcatt by
corellianrogueU Got Mail! for Anon S. by
mcarol85Teach Me How to Fly for LetsMeetInOurDreams5 by
dbsk5everFalling Fast for
ZaraNK1 for
serendipitycmPhantom Pains for
taemun for
serendipitycmSaudade for
dbsk5ever for
standbymy5godsOne Day, Someday for
mcarol85 by
beecassiopeiaIt’s Close to Morning (Love Me A Little Longer) for
nurarara by
xcorpusdelictixPrank/Practial Joke for
jiyool by
mitsui_tsuruSerendipity for
countingcrows by Anon S.
Our Fears for
tempesteru by Anon Z.