Happy Holidays silveroak_sm! Exchange fic: "The Differences Between Friendship and Love"

Mar 02, 2013 16:16

Title: The Differences Between Friendship and Love
Rating: PG-13 (for implied sexual tension/scenarios)
Genre: Slice of life, established relationship, UST?-ish
Warning: Shortness, very rushed, and good ol' UST.
Summary: Yunho doesn’t like how close his boyfriend is getting with the new greasemonkey next door.

Notes: This is really, really rushed and I do apologize for this! Nevertheless I hope that you'll enjoy this anyway. :) Happy Holidays, Yunho/Jaejoong/YunJae Day! ♥

Many thanks to P for beta-reading this. ♥


The unforgiving mid-afternoon sun glared down at the two figures that stood adjacent to one another, separated by a small walkway that drew the line between properties. Kim Jaejoong shielded his eyes with his hand, peering into the darkness of the garage as he greeted the newcomer with obvious enthusiasm.


Dark, curled hair was pinned back in a bun, thick glasses resting messily atop it. Though what did Jaejoong expect from the man who was arms-deep into an engine, skin long blackened by oil and other fluids he couldn’t quite name off the top of his head. It wasn’t that Jaejoong was clueless when it came to cars-he just wasn’t an expert. Jaejoong was the type of guy that would have to actually look at the engine before he knew how to add two and two together.

“Er.” Jaejoong grinned bashfully. “I just wanted to introduce myself since you’re new to the neighborhood, but if you’re busy, I’ll just leave you be.”

The man’s lips quirked upward in a smile. “I’ve got time,” he said, voice dark and smooth. Jaejoong could not help but compare the timber to that of his boyfriend’s, which was equally as mellifluous and dark, but each with his own unique feel. His boyfriend of five years, Jung Yunho, spoke in tongues if sin and hedonistic endeavors, but this new guy made Jaejoong think of somber nights at the bar, surrounded by blues and cigarette smoke and the burn of whiskey in his throat.

Jaejoong couldn’t help himself-it was the writer in him.

The other man wiped his hands off on a cloth wipe that did away with the blackness of grease easily. Then, approaching Jaejoong, he held out his hand and introduced himself, “Park Yoochun.”

Jaejoong hesitated, but only because he was puzzled by the Western sentiment.

“Oh, um. Sorry. I just spent four years in America with my family. I came back to Korea because I love her so, but I find myself having some difficulty trying to fit in again...”

“Oh!” Jaejoong had stars in his eyes. “What’s it like there?”

And that just happened to be the blooming bud of a wonderful friendship.

Everything about the new neighbor was fresh and exciting to Jaejoong. While his new friend had lived in America for about four years, he also learned that one of the bigger reasons he’d returned to Korea was that he had a hard time grasping control of the English language. Jaejoong wouldn’t really know for himself, though. He just knew basic grammar and how to string together sentences like “How’s the weather today?” and “What is your name?” and whenever Yoochun spoke his twisted form of English, Jaejoong thought it sounded just fine to his ears.

Days passed and their frivolous banter became the marker of their friendship. Yoochun was an interesting man that Jaejoong found reflections of himself within, reflections that had made him approachable and human.

The big difference between them, however, was that Yoochun loved cars. In addition to the nice little thing he drove, he had an older model of an old American muscle car that he worked on daily. Sometimes he just tinkered with the motor, and others he worked on the inside furnishings. Jaejoong was oblivious when it came to most things of this nature, but Yoochun was able to teach him a thing or two so he wouldn’t have to call his boyfriend and cry whenever he thought he’d broken something in their new Nissan. (The new Nissan that had been a coming out gift from Yunho’s parents when they finally revealed the true nature of their relationship after living together for two and a half years.)

“Woah, really?” Yoochun’s wide-eyed surprise made Jaejoong bubble with laughter. “When I told my parents I was bisexual, my mother threw me outside and told me to go help my father in the garage. I guess it was a good thing I already liked cars, haha.”

“The car didn’t come instantly,” Jaejoong admitted, lips pursed. “We told them over the phone because we had no choice. We took a vacation together and it became obvious. Yunho’s father just kind of spluttered, then hung up on us. It took three days, which was after our vacation, for his mother to call us back and invite us over for dinner so we could properly come out.

“After that, it was just funny. Yunho’s father didn’t know how to treat us because he was always afraid of saying the wrong thing to put us in a compromising position, or even insult us unintentionally. I think it was a month afterward that the engine went in our old Hyundai and Yunho was going insane that we couldn’t afford to fix the engine for a couple of months since we’d just replaced our old refrigerator-it had a leak-so they just bought us a car. Yunho’s father sat us down and he made sure we understood he and his wife were proud of us, no matter how it might seem.”

“Oh, wow,” Yoochun said. “That was kind and thoughtful of them.”

From there, the conversation veered off into personal tales. Before either of them knew it, they were discussing things such as the awkwardness of their first times and other humiliating disasters. Jaejoong had been over at his neighbor’s house for hours upon hours. The sun was slowly falling over the horizon, darkening the yard with an orange glow. It was only when Yunho texted him about the trip to the hardware store he was supposed to go on four hours ago, that Jaejoong came to his senses and bid his week-old best friend goodbye.

He never did get there. Now they would suffer the wrath of summer because their work schedules would not permit them to try again anytime soon.

*        *        *

“This heat wave is terrible,” Jaejoong moaned, pinning back his bleach blond hair with bobby pins. His hair was so soaked in sweat that had begun to drip in his eyes.

Yunho wasn’t any better off, soaking a small towel in cold water before draping it over his neck. “Tell me about it,” he muttered. “If only you hadn’t skipped off to your new best friend’s house yesterday before the hardware store closed.” He, unfortunately, was not much better off in the hair department. While Jaejoong dyed his shocking blond every so often and kept it shoulder-length and feathered, Yunho went for a nice medium auburn brown that came to the middle of his ears and was shaved underneath.

“If only the damn aircon hadn’t broken down two days ago.”

Jaejoong sighed wistfully, chin resting in his palms as he listened to his boyfriend mutter on and on and on. He might have been paying attention to his words, or he might have been paying attention to the way sweat made his skin glisten just right in the light. He found his mouth watering as he thought about tasting him and licking up every last drop-though maybe in the shower because stale sweat was gross.

While Jaejoong was infamous among his friends and family for playing the part of the ulzzang flower boy, it was moments like this that belied the truths in his choices. He kept his hair long, because he loved when Yunho curled his fingers in it to pull when they got particularly lost in one another. Blond because it was pale, like his skin that Yunho liked to kiss and bite and nibble and suck until every inch had become a part of his name etched into his skin.

“Yunho-yah,” Jaejoong hummed, tongue poking out to lick his lips just as Yunho’s gaze fixed upon him. “Let’s go shower.”

“I like the way you think,” Yunho murmured, tongue spelling words of sin into his ear.

“Me, too.” Jaejoong winked. “Then afterward I can introduce you to Yoochun. His aircon is working just fine.”

Yunho visibly deflated. “He’s all you’ve been talking about for the past week,” he grumped. “You cut our time in bed short yesterday because of him. Should I be worried ?”

Jaejoong looked up at his boyfriend from the corner of his eyes, feeling mirth and lust bubbling inside of him until it was a big mess of emotion. “Are you jealous?” he asked, head tilted to the side with his mouth pursed. He went for tempting, but decided a teasing curl of lips was better.

A dark, licentious gaze fell upon him and filled him with heat. The muscles in Yunho’s shoulders bunched with tension as he slowly backed Jaejoong into a compromising position, between a rock and a hard place. “You’re mine, Kim Jaejoong,” Yunho whispered against the shell of his ear.

Jaejoong’s whole body trembled, wanting more and more of his boyfriend’s heat despite their sweltering predicament. “Then,” he began coyly, “you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“Shower, now.”

genre: fluff, genre: au, for: silveroak_sm, genre: slice of life, genre: romance, rating: pg-13, #year: 2012

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