Hello! I'm going to make this a quick post because my cousins are literally sitting behind me as I do this, but I have a winner to announce today! As you've all noticed, both of our finalists submitted amazing pieces this week, and I'm sure you all had to make a tough decision.
twotiming and
orionsroad, thank you SO much for putting all this time and effort into our second round. We'd love to have both of you back next year, when we do Round 3!
In any case, congratulations to...
orionsroad, who wrote
"Go With a Smile" (7-5= +2 points)
And our Runner-Up is...
twotiming, who wrote
"Podiums as high as the gallows are low" (5-7= -2 points)
Great job, both of you! I unfortunately don't have your banners ready because my family is over, but expect another post with them later this week!
... Sorry I just wanted an excuse to use a Joker gif tbh. :D Thanks to all you writers and readers for helping out with Round 2! See you next year ;D
ibaranonamida and I will try to have mini-challenges and drabble-athons (is that what they're called? *stupid*) during the school year so please keep us friended! ♥ Have a good rest of your summer, everyone!