Aug 24, 2008 11:24
Among random sleep depped web searching, I started reading funny things I said that were posted in other peoples journals (well, one persons journal anyhow)
I came across this gem:
"tanithmarlowe: tell me a story....
tanithmarlowe: or y'know, some other subject.
Greyshade13: Once upon a time there was a frog named Morton.
tanithmarlowe: *nod*
Greyshade13: Morton lived in a magical pond with magical flies, and magical water.
Greyshade13: Morton hated magic, so he shot himself in the head with his magic frog gun. The End.
tanithmarlowe: heee
Greyshade13: The moral of the story is... frogs shouldn't be named Morton.
tanithmarlowe: Not where I thought that was going...
Greyshade13: sorry.
tanithmarlowe: It was funny.
tanithmarlowe: tho I'd like a happy story, oddly enough for me.
Greyshade13: Morton didn't die. It was a magical frog gun. It only turned him into a frog.
tanithmarlowe: hee
Greyshade13: Morton was very melodramatic, and appreciated overreaction.
tanithmarlowe: =D
tanithmarlowe: Thank you.
Greyshade13: shore. I'm occasionally useful in a useless manner."
Maybe a realish post later.