Dec 19, 2011 20:41

Ayo friends list, lemme start out saying..how's it goin'? haha

I'm making an update with a purpose I promise! I think I can also say this might be one of the first without a song attached. ㅋㅋ I've decided to clean up my friends list a bit since I've been all over, here and there and then lately I've not had a whole lot of time for socializin' like I should. I know, shame on Jay. ㅠㅠ

So! in conclusion' of this mess of an update, if I un-friend you and you wanted to stay friends, no hard feelings man! Just send me a message lettin' me know, aite? I'm only removing people I haven't chatted with much or don't figure I'll chat with again.

With all that I also wanna let ya'll know I'll be doublin' my efforts to try saying hi to more of you and more often. Feel free to do the same, I'm a super friendly guy I don't mind random messages ya know! haha

bum ramblin's, do i always sound this boring?, update, friends list

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