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Jan 01, 2006 13:22

Happy New Year!

All the author reveals are up, and I'm proud to report that for my DWNOGA guesses, I got 50% right! That sounds more impressive if you don't know that I only even tried to guess 2 authors. Actually, I only committed in writing to 2 guesses -- if you count the ones I guessed in my head but didn't write down for fear of public ridicule, I'm at something like 5% right -- go me!

I did three stories this year for the holiday swaps, up one from last year, and while roundabout December 12 I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown, I actually had a great time writing them, once I was done writing them, of course.

My pop story was The Earl of Rothinghamtonfordshire, for KC, and this was the story that really almost killed me. Once I started writing it, I had a blast, but getting to that point was hard. I opened up the request, and saw the first pairing and thought, Maybe, and then saw the xover pairing and thought, Ooh!, and then I looked down at the notes of things KC wanted and thought, Yikes! Totally reasonably, it requested no drug use or use of the word 'fuck', but I am nothing if not unreasonable and I thought, man, I don't know how I'm going to write a story involving Chris, Nick or JC and no one gets high or says 'fuck'. Then I thought, don't be stupid, of course you can, and I decided to read back through some of my old stories, because of course I must have managed to do it before, right? And so I read through some of my old stories, and came to the conclusion that man, I have a dirty mouth, and that this challenge was going to be a little harder than I thought. But once I had the idea (and no one was more surprised than I that the story wound up being a lot more BSB than *nsync), I was off and running and really enjoying myself. This was one of those stories that I never would have thought to write without the request, so I want to thank KC for making it. I also want to thank cathexys for beta -- of course all mistakes, especially those involving TV scheduling in Germany, belong to me.

For Yuletide, I wrote Solace, for shrift. I was thrilled to get Deadwood as my fandom, and this was interesting to write because I'm mostly all about the women in Deadwood. But I think Seth and Sol's friendship is lovely, one of the many great things about Deadwood, so I was very happy to have the opportunity to write about them a little. And I did manage to sneak a little Trixie in there too. Thanks to E for beta on this one.

And for shackinup_sesa, I wrote Dreamlife for librae. One good thing about this challenge is I didn't have to wonder what fandom or pairing I'd be assigned, but I was still surprised -- I tend to think more of Remus/Sirius once they're adults, either when the books are set or just before. So to write Hogwarts-era Remus/Sirius was a fun challenge. I've always thought I had a Remus/Sirius story in me, and I did! Thanks to callmesandy, throughadoor, and marej for beta and encouragement for this one.

deadwoodfic, pop, hp, fic

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