Fall back means I'm up early and well-rested, which is a nice change. It's a very gray and somewhat chilly day here, and I am thinking about lazing about the house for most of the day, doing some cleaning, maybe starting a new book. I have to do the matchups for
popoffacork sometime today, which will take me a while -- I think we have more people than we've had before but I haven't really done a good count.
Halloween was crazy in my little town yesterday. I was kind of bummed b/c it was my aunt's surprise birthday party yesterday, smack in the middle of the day, and my dad wanted me to go but I thought I'd miss trick-or-treaters at my house. Then when I tried to leave at around 5:30 (I was there since 2!) my other aunt was all, She's about to open presents, you can't leave! and I had to hang around for another hour. I love my family, but these things that start at 2 kill my whole day, as it takes me over an hour to drive there. But when I came home there was still tons of stuff going on -- tons and tons of kids & parents on the streets ,and all the old Victorian houses were all decorated as haunted houses, with lights and fake fog and scary music. It was really fun! Of course, half an hour later it started to rain really hard so I still have a ton of candy.
Since I was going to South Jersey anyway yesterday I stopped at the farmer's and got some really delicious-looking, really large winesaps, just picked, and a big butternut squash.