five things: timbertrick

Sep 03, 2006 18:14

Another Five Things list (requests still happily taken here!), pop this time. stubbleglitter requested

Five Things That MUST Be Included if One Were Writing a Timbertrick Pleasure Slave Story

The chains were thick and gold and looked almost decorative against the darker gold of Justin's skin, but when Chris lifted one it was heavy in his hand. "Oh, for God's sake," Chris said. "I'm a war hero, I think I can handle one pleasure slave without having him shackled to the wall."

"I'm not," Justin said softly, his eyes still on the floor. His voice trailed off.

"Go ahead, talk, it's fine, I'll tell you when I want you to shut up," Chris said.

"I'm not shackled to the wall," Justin said. "I'm just -- shackled."

"Yes, I know, it was a figure of speech," Chris said. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I mean, thank you for telling me that. That was, um, very helpful of you. You wouldn't happen to have the keys to those things, would you?"

"No," Justin said, softly again. "I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry, it's not your fault, I mean, it was a stupid question, why would they give you the keys?" Chris sighed again. "Look, I'll be back in a while. Don't go anywhere -- I mean, look, I'll be back soon."

Justin looked up quickly, the first time Chris had seen his eyes since they'd been alone. He was biting his lower lip, like it cost him something to let Chris see him.

"Look," Chris said again, as gently as he could. "I'm just going to get the keys so I can get those things off you. I'm not -- no one will bother you while I'm gone, all right?"

"Don't go," Justin said. He looked down again and swallowed hard, then squared his shoulders. "I don't mind so much," he said to the floor.

"What?" Chris said stupidly.

"The chains," Justin said. He looked back up at Chris. "I don't mind them so much."

"I know how to use this sword, as your friend will witness," Justin said calmly, nodding toward the man writhing on the floor with one hand pressed to his bloody ear. "So I suggest you get your hands off him and start running away right fucking now!"

The intruder let go of Chris and took off running, his whimpering friend following behind.

"You know how to use a sword?" Chris said stupidly.

"Could you throw me my pants?" Justin said. "Because if we're going to chase them through the streets, I don't think I should be naked."

"Damn it, Justin," Chris said. "You should have told me."

Justin didn't answer. He stayed curled on his side with his face almost hidden by the pillow. Chris sat up a little and watched as Justin swiped at his cheek with the heel of his hand. Chris ran a hand gently over the side of Justin's hip. Justin took a long shuddering breath but didn't flinch from him.

"Justin," Chris said carefully, and Justin mumbled something that sounded awfully close to "fuck you."

"Justin, I order you to turn around and look at me," Chris said, and Justin flipped onto his back and looked at Chris defiantly.

"What?" he said.

"You should have told me," Chris said. "How the fuck was I supposed to know it was your first time?"

"How the fuck did you not know? Who the hell's going to pay top dollar for something -- for someone who -- when another man's already ..." Justin slapped a hand down on the bed. "It's fine, okay? Or it would be if you'd just leave me alone, please --"

"Look, I'm new at this whole pleasure slave thing, all right," Chris snapped.

"So am I," Justin said, and Chris was willing to bet that Justin had meant the words to be snapped right back in his face, but they lost their edge in Justin's mouth.

"J --"

"It's all right," Justin said. He smiled at Chris, or tried to, at least.

"J --" Chris said, and this time Justin rolled over again, but toward Chris. He hid his face against Chris' shoulder, and it was Chris' turn to say, "It's all right."

For a long time Justin didn't say anything, but he let Chris slide a hand up and down his back slowly, circling gently, without arching up to kiss Chris or leaning down to let Chris' fingers drift more easily, the way he usually did. Finally Chris said, "I'm sorry," and Justin let his lips brush against Chris' neck. "You should have told me," Chris said, "because I would have done it differently."

"Show me," Justin whispered, "show me how you would have done it," but when Chris eased him onto his back Justin winced. "Maybe show me tomorrow," he said, trying to hide his face in the pillow again, but Chris wouldn't let him look away.

"It'll take me until tomorrow," Chris said, one hand lightly on Justin's stomach, "to do it right."

"You have the worst pleasure slave in the history of pleasure," JC said prissily. "And of slaves."

Chris almost laughed when Justin gasped incredulously. "I am an excellent pleasure slave," Justin said.

"You're very disobedient," JC said.

"Well, that's not the part I'm good at," Justin said. He put a hand on his belt. "Do you want to see the part I'm --"

"No," Chris snapped, as JC looked thoughtful.

"I love you," Chris breathed, and Justin grabbed at Chris' back.

"Faster," he said. "Come on, faster --"

Chris pulled Justin's arms back over his head. "I told you to keep your hands on the bed," he said. "I knew we should've held onto those chains."

"I told you," Justin said, and Chris pushed into him again, faster and faster, until Justin couldn't say anything else.

pop fic, pop, ficlets, fic

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