(no subject)

Aug 29, 2006 16:53

So I originally decided that I wasn't going to download Justin's album, for no particular reason except that sometimes I decide stupid things and then feel like I should stick to them (like when I decided I wasn't getting an air conditioner in the hottest weather ever), but then I decided I'm moving, I've got so much to pack, why should I deny myself, so I downloaded it and I have to say, I think it's fantastic. I love Future Sex/Love Sound, Love Stoned/I Think She Knows (so much love!) and What Goes Around most, I think, but I still haven't had a chance to listen to it enough. And sadly, I won't, because the computer's going into storage and I can't download on my dad's and I packed all my CDs so can't burn myself one. (I have packed so many things I need right now -- all my envelopes, my umbrella, I can't remember what else but I'm sure there's something). So I'll have to wait until I get my copy from Amazon in what -- a week? I'm sure the wait will make it love me even more.

This is probably my last post for a while, b/c early tomorrow the computer goes in the truck and then I'll be on the road until Saturday, probably. Have fun -- next time I post I'll be a New Jerseyan (at least temporarily)!
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