slashfic25 table (with added basketball)

Apr 23, 2006 10:37

I've joined the crowd and signed up for slashfic25, because 100 is just too many, but 25 seems just right. And I'll be writing 25 stories about Justin Timberlake, because, you know, I thought I hadn't written enough stories about him.

1 Strangers
2 Curve
3 Accident
4 Through
5 School
6 Fall
7 Below
8 Beginnings
9 Inherit
10 Snow
11 Jealous
12 Writer's Choice
13 Letters
14 Canada
15 Forget
16 Enough
17 Map
18 Phobia
19 Rough
20 Smell
21 Epiphany
22 Secrets
23 Challenge
24 Kitchen
25 Writer's Choice

And in other news, I saw this a couple of days ago but wanted to preserve it for eternity. According to one blogger, JT has good pick-up game etiquette, although he's lazy on D (as I for one have suspected all along). And in the comments to that, I read about more of Justin's b-ball exploits. Apparently there's a vast web of bloggers detailing basketball-related encounters with Justin Timberlake, and I must read them all.

pop, slashfic25, fic

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