Dec 14, 2006 00:47
What has passed and what is yet to come
Has It Been A Good Year?: Yeah better than others. Got my first two jobs, made tons of memories and had a few bad times:S
What Has Been The Highlight Of Your Year?: Getting my jobs, making new friends, dancing with a guy hahahaha and more. Sam Roberts coming out with a CD!!
Any Drama?: Personal annoying problems, the fights witnessed and had by friends, car accident.
Any Fights?: Many with my sister. A few with my friends, and a few with the rents
Been Drunk?: A couple times yes:)
Been High?:
Did You Have Fun?: Yes it was good, but in some ways it could have been better
Did The Nasty?: Nope!
Kissed Somebody?: On the cheek yes
If So, Was It More Than 5 People?: yes
How Many Boyfriends/Girlfriends Have You Had?: 0
Was It Love?: huh?
What Will You Always Remember About 2006?: New Years, Halifax to visit Emma, My birthday for many reasons, all the concerts I went to with Racheal, All Friends birthdays Getting felt up by dan hahahaa and so much more
Have You Prank Called Anybody?: nope just remembering Racheal chinese prank calling haha
Have You Hated Anyone?: Strongly disliked not hated
Made A New Friend?: Yes
Lose Any Friends?: not in a death way but yes
Did Anything You Didnt Think You Would Do?: dance with a guy, hmmmmm
Did Anything You Regret?: yes
Do Anything Crazy?: TONS
Lose Anything?: can't remember haha
Did You Go On Any Vacations?: Went to Halifax and a roadtrip with racheal to see aaron lines
Songs: The whole Chemical City CD, Hinder- Lips of an Angel, Bliss ( I Don't Wanna Know) and tons more
Movies: Walk The Line, Pirates, Borat, C.R.A.Z.Y.
TV Shows: OC!!!! ANTM, Flavour of Love 2, Degrassi, Martha, and more
Stores: Bluenotes, Old Navy....
Colors: Blue and Green
Singer/Band: Sam Roberts, Hinder, Dallas Green, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Nelly Furtado, Priestess and more
Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp, Christian Bale...
Cartoon Character: Peter Griffin,
Place To Be: Home and whereever friends were.
Who Are You Planning On Spending It With?: MY friends!!! and booze
What Are Ya Gonna Do?: Get drunk and fun ...and prob clean!!!
Are You Gonna Drink?: Yes something with Vodka...maybe even a change!!!!
New Years Resolution?: Loose wait, have fun, change my life and get a boy toy haha!!