Oct 05, 2006 12:31
I haven't posted an entry in a while because I haven't been in the mood to say what has been going on. I won't say life has been crappy just my mouth.
I didn't have medical insurance for about two years and so I skipped a lot of dr visits. I found out that I had cavities that needed to be fixed (unsurprising since I hadn't had any preventative care in 2 years) but that was the happy news.
My two front teeth are going to be pulled out. I have another infection and this would make the third apico that they would have to do. They don't think it will work (success rate 30%) so they are going to put in a bridge. My other option was implants but since I have an active infection and a hole in the bone from the infection, they don't think that is a good idea.
So I'm getting the two front teeth pulled and I will use a denture until the bridge is ready. When they pull the teeth they will clean out the infection and the cyst in the hole and also do bone grafts. Next will be bleaching the teeth. Then they will match the temp bridge color and make sure it fits correctly. Finally, they will put in my permanent bridge- which everyone assures me will look almost as good as the real thing.
Anyone who has met me knows my front teeth are fucked up from all the work they did when I was younger so I don't see how they could fuck it up even more. I'm just really apprehensive about having it done. I'm also really apprehensive about the cost! My insurance only pays a max of 1500 a year so lets just say it would take many years of insurance pmts to touch how much this is gonna be.
I know it won't look worse when it is done and will prob look better but I'm just really upset about the whole thing. I don't want it done and I just want to sit in the corner and pretend its not happening. But since there is an infection in my mouth eating up the bone I really don't have a choice anymore. This really sucks.
So if anyone wants to buy one of my kidneys let me know so that I can finance this crap.
On the weight loss front I have managed to lose 10 pounds so that is pretty good. I've been slipping on the food and exercise so I need to get that back in gear. I must keep reminding myself about my trip to Europe.
Work is still going well. I think they are going to keep me so yeah to that. School is going very good. I have some Praxis tests coming up and a test on Earth Science next week.
So really if I could just get over the teeth thing life is pretty good.
ps I have messenger at work so I need some screen names so you can be harassed.