I love b3ta, they have some really good collections of fun stuff. Of course, for MY fun stuff I edit out my favorites and skip the 'only understandable if you're British' persuasion of humor. The British are so odd sometimes. (See this
Wikipedia entry for proof.)
How much tape does it take to stick yourself to a wall like Spiderman?
TomScott shows you.
A blog devoted to nothing but pictures of
girls drinking tea. At the bottom is an ad for his other, spicier blog showing just cleavage shots. AgtOrange actually knows this blogger by forum, isn't it a small world?
Bad Joke from RatherGoodAlways Something Good on JibJabMore reasons why
Shared Living Sucks, as if you needed those reasons explained.
Mail Goggles -- program to make you do simple math problems before that pesky text message goes out, proving that you may be stupid but you probably aren't drunk.
Literal Video: Take On Me Favorite Quote of Last Week:
"Some people are like Slinkies. They're not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." -- Mistress Starr