stolen from sveta...ily!

Mar 14, 2004 22:05

10 bands you've been listening a lot to lately:

01. Black Eyes Peas
02. Britney
03. Beyonce
04. A-Teens
05. Ruben
06. Sean Paul
07. Da Band..haha
08. I
09. dont
10. know
mostly i listen to britney so...

09 things you look forward to:

01. Going to college
02. going shopping/going to the mall
03. getting paid
04. going to AP Bio lol i really do like it...
05. britney concert with aleks..hopefuly!
06. spring
07. visiting colleges
08. Getting acceptance letters
09. going to starbucks or applebees with my friends lol

08 things you like to wear:

01. My Fendi bag
02. my new watch
03. Juicy sweatsuits
04. skirts
05. Victoria secret hot pants
06. sandles
07. my jewlery
08. hoodies

07 things that annoy you:

01. people who think theyre better tahn everyone
02. mr. cendrowski
03. liars
04. the way my car drives when its low on gas
05. people who are spazes
06. people who are devoted to thier lovers(lol yeah aleks)
07. shit talking

06 things you say most days:

01. hmmm
02. whatever floats your boat
03. oo men...
04. slatki papi..
05. sup biznotch
06. what the fizzle!

05 things you do everyday:

01. put on makeup
02. drive
03. get dressed
04. write
05. talk

04 people you want to spend more time with:

01. my family in australlia
02. dina
03. hmm
04. pretty much see everyone else lol

03 movies you could watch over and over again:

01. Center Stage
02. You've got mail
03. old school

02 of your tv shows at the moment:

01. The O.C.
02. Real World

01 person you could spend the rest of your life with:

01. hmm that will remain undisclosed...
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