(no subject)

Dec 13, 2004 23:36

hmmm, reflected dislikes,

it has always been procrastination, uninvited laziness at times, my burning stomach which causes an erratic sense of apathy towards general things and people. my quiet nature at rare times; sometimes my silence causes people to feel uncomfortable making me feel uncomfortable as they conjure obscure topics of conversation in attempt to try to make me feel “better” /themselves (this is sometimes humorous, I admit because…it’s not necessary). this also leads people to think I am in some form “mysterious” and it bugs the shit out of me, then i dislike this form of me (and the person telling me that). my long pauses as i speak, it’s very unintentional and not frequent, and when I do speak; the way I ramble on without getting to a point (sometimes). my fingernails, some are cut while others are semi-long I do this from time to time if otherwise they are always short and not feminine-like. i should get them done like i used too. my sarcasm, it comes even at times when it should not. my legs. the way I cannot erase certain people from my memory even tho I should. bouts of jealousy, and my writings.
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