Mar 28, 2008 07:20
My Spring Break has finally arrived! I have done nothing but wake up, go to high school at 7:30am, teach all day, stay after till 5pm grading, and then come home and plan for the next day. And I am exhausted! Lots of fun though. I love my kids and I'll be very upset when I leave... only three more weeks after Spring Break.
Here are a couple of funny student stories to keep you entertained. I'll be in Campbellsville for half a week with my mommy and visiting my grandma in the hospital.
After looking at William Blake's "The Lamb" and "The Tyger" I asked my students to write down one thing that showed their innocence as a child, and one thing in life that gave them experience. An English Language Learner (he speaks a Slavic langauge) wrote down that he was "really sad when his grandpa passed out." Okay. Not that bad- but he talked about it in class. He grandpa had died. Yeah... stupid idiomatic phrases. Another girl, who did not share in class, wrote this, word for word, "When I had kidney stones my life turned around." What, may I ask you, is so life changing about kidney stones? Too funny.
Lastly, after debates in my 2 debate classes, I always have the students clap. One boy, is a shrimpy squirmy freshmen realized he clapped with his left hand and not with his right. He looked at me and exclaimed, "Mrs. Morton!!! I'm a freak! I think I'm a mutant!!" Oh dear.
Hope you all have a great week and I will see you soon!