Jun 19, 2007 05:06
HA! I totally got home before the sun came up.
and then I fell asleep.
But I
got chinese food
cashed my check
watched Dr who Utopia.
I am still much pleased with Jack, not so pleased with Ten, not sure about the rest, and dear god the BBC can not keep a secret to save its life.
of course if it was Joss Wheadon doing it Susan would show up in the Master's old tardis and save the day.(master of the fake out is he)
which I think would be rather made of win. and more of an actual surprise.
but I don't think it's going to happen
Further I do not understand the television seasons in england, there seem to be 3 four month long sessions? 13 eps
where in the us we have 22-24 episodes 8 months and then 4 months of summer programing (usually reality tv heavy)
also. HA! I totally called the weather shift and when the storm front would hit. Cripes I shoud get a job as a weather girl.
dr who