Oct 10, 2006 06:08
So yesterday I slept. alot. and then I cleaned up a bunch and today I had to much caffine and I'm going to pay for it.
I've no idea why I thought cleaning was more important than sleep clearly that is a cracktastic notion.
Now this
Gay Rights
"Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?"
-- Ernest Gaines
Indeed the statement is true. though I would also argue that as a culture we are more comfortable with violence than we are with love.
Is it a guns and knives sort of thing? how close are you to your target? do you have to feel their heart beat?
Or is it the easy black and white solution? good people vs bad people. Us vs Them?
Lincoln once said "Have I not also destroyed my enemy if I make him my friend?" Maybe we should try making more friends.
We would like to know who really believes in gay rights on LiveJournal. There is no bribe of a miracle or anything like that. If you truly believe in gay rights, then repost this and title the post as "Gay Rights". If you don't believe in gay rights, then just ignore this. Thanks.
This irritates me. it is the Lj equiviant of a chain letter. This one is making the rounds of my friends list like several have before it. It's actually a very simple example of it's kind. Let's take it apart shall we?
Who is this "WE" that wants to know? How does posting this exactly show that you "really believe" in gay rights? though unlike a chain letter it does say there is no wish granted. no miracle. no carrot.
just a stick.
the assumption that if you do not comply with the request, You don't believe in gay rights.
How about this?
I believe that people should not be discriminated against based on their age, sex, sexual orentation, creed, race etc
If you know me in real life you know how I feel about these things. If you read this journal you may aquire a few additional clues.
I rather think there should be a way of assigning legal rights to people not related by blood. and I think there should be ways of removing blood relatives legal rights.
I've had some friends I'd be willing to have sibling level rights,
And Hey... If I'm sharing my life with you I'd like you to have some say in my life...legally.
and 2. I'm not gonna do chain letters. let's quit the copy/pasteing and have some learned discourse. Talk people! Speak your mind. ask questions ask your legal represenatives questions. Talk to the uninformed. The world is full of scared people. and scared people in large groups are both dangerous and easily led. TAKE THE FEAR AWAY. not everybody is gonna be reasonable, but most people only know what they've been told to scare them. Give them some truth.
I'm going to bed.
speak the true