Update, Synopsis writing

Oct 12, 2012 00:14

The comic has been updated :D http://revolutionmillennium.comicdish.com

Errr, I haven't really "talked" much, here...just announcing stuff about my work and me :P But I don't want to abandon LJ and Tumblr...eh. So I guess I'll write about something that's been on my mind lately.

I suck at writing synopses.

Well, I take that back. I've managed to write two decent synopses. I just suck at writing a synopsis for Ara & Celi. And it's not even a recent problem; I've been having this problem for yeaaarrrsss. The first version of the synopsis had dated the story and from an adult's perspective, I wrote a really "corny" summary of the story. Really basic one, and one that didn't really reflect the story.

That's really my problem, I've noticed. Wanting to write a short synopsis that properly says what the story's about but not wanting it to be two pages long (I write too much for small things). I keep telling myself "just make a paragraph, a paragraph..." and I can never do it. I end up with just like two lines of "girl who's chosen but doesn't really want the job, oopsie-doodle", which is just like the beginning. I'm also afraid of giving too many spoilers, because personally I will put down a book or movie that decides to tell me the entire plot on one side of its content because then it's really worth it to get it -- because you already know what happened! (I'm looking at you TV Guide Mag and other mags like it) So I don't want people who think like that to go away as well. In the case of comics, it's probably different because I know even though I've had a good chunk of spoilers, if the art is decent or impressive enough, I will try to buy it.

So in case my art is not appealing, I would like to grab people by the story, thus the synopsis. Too bad I didn't find out earlier that having stories set in Japan stereotypically with a magical setting were looked down upon, because of the immense frequencies of them and because "don't make a story in Japan you're not Japanese weeaboo copycat!" (it did not help I began to use the Internet eons after everyone else had it...XD) I actually understand the criticism and agree with parts of it but get rather annoyed when they're not directing same said criticism at other international creators :/ I also get annoyed because what difference should it make if the story happens to be well-researched and written with a conscious effort to not fall back on stereotypes? Ah well. I don't use that defense for myself because I don't think I should.

Researched on religion for A&C? Yes. Cultural? Yes. Have I even shown any indication of that? Nope. ;_; So again, if I even mentioned the setting in the synopsis, I just pushed away new potential fans. Which is sad, because the A&C setting won't exclusively be in Japan! Well, the beginning/set-up is. Blargh.

--I should definitely make stream of consciousness writing my trademark. But no Joyce, please.--

I'm also having another problem with another story, but I'll leave that for another entry. (I need excuses to fill out the LJ, right?)

In the meantime, this is so beautiful it deserves the gif at the end

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synopsis, writing, ara & celi

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