Feb 07, 2007 16:33
Well schools a week in.
its ok, i guess.
ill get used to it.
got our cheerleading training tops today. :]
OMG! new Fall Out Boy album came out yesterday.
I'm soooo getting it.
damn straight.
its ma besties birthday tomrrow.
got her a prezzie. SHHHH!
going out to dinner wif her fammmmily. more like my extended family lol. true?
its gonna be funnnnn..
i lost my phone, left it at the library.
over night, i panicked & panicked..then i rung in the morning. & luckily it was still there! PHEW! *sigh*
its my birthday soon ..
like in 10 days or 11.
something like that..preetty exciting i know.
i love brendon (L)