
Jul 24, 2009 11:29

Tagged by potetofurai. but also by
aoki_akira and
p_juchan yesterday or a long time ago.

Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

Who sleeps in bed next to you?
Usually, it's kei-chan my monkey but as of yesterday, A BIG DOGGY THAT I HAVE YET TO NAME that my mum brought home from china =))

Have you ever lied to a teacher to get out of a deadline?
Just last week, I skipped my EST class cuz i was lazy and the next week my teacher saw me and asked why i didnt go, I liedand said I had to go do something with my bro and she said "if u skipped u should just tell me u skipped, there's no need for excuses" and i was like o---o whooops xD. not exactly deadline thingy but xD

What kind of books do you read?
Mostly sappy love novels and friendship novels. science fiction and fantasy o-o are meant for moves. no offense cuz i'm lame xD. all my friends are fantasy readers.

Best day of the week?
Thursday cuz no tuition =)) or Sat cuz i dont do anything! =X

What's really creepy?
THe spider my friends caught in school. Boys *rolls eyes*

Who is your celebrity crush?
Shige? But I have many o-o erm, like Sho, Nino, Ryo, Kei, blaaaa the list goes onnn XD but no one can replace Shige =))

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Mafia wars. ITS ADDICTING. o--o

What are you listening to right now?
My mum's tv and speaker spazz. Oh and my phone just rang! I'm using Kakao monotone for some reason XD

What did you eat for lunch today?
Isnt lunch time yet but I just ate wantan noodles XD


What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Gmail, LJ and facebook.

What was the last thing you bought?
Bubble tea!

What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
Christy said herself and I would have to agree XD. but the TEGOMASS tote bag is my current dream to achieve. *wicks* ohh and the HSB group uchiwa. I'm somehow loving the group Uchiwa concept.

Does the weather affect your mood?
Nope. But if it's TOO hot or rains when I need to go out, yes =)

What is your zodiac sign?
Chinese or western? o-o Monkey. horoscope, mostly Libra but some says virgo cuz i'm at the borderline.

Do you want to learn another language?
Japanese but I reallly want to improve my Cantonese.

5 things you can't live without.
My K7701, Internet, Mama... and daily essentials.

If you could meet anyone now, who would you meet?
Kato Shigeaki.

What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I can soo get over you =))

What are you looking forward to?
Graduation XD! well not really. cuz i graduate BEFORE this stupid exam that lasts a month long. so AFTER the exam. or the last day of the exam =))

Say something to the person who tagged you:
Sory I have a habit of spamming ur facebook. I spamm everyone o-o. XD!

i forgot to tagg ppl.



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