DUDE!! Roll a toon on my server and join my guild, I promise you'll really like it there!! Bronzebeard-US, the guild is Daughters ofThe Alliance, we're not a HUGE raiding guild, we only raid two weekends in a row (for two to three nights, raids start at 5 or 6pm Pacific Time), one off-week after the two, and we've cleared Kara, Gruul and Mag, working on ZA (all but Zul'Jin) and TK.
I think you'd really like it with my guild, it's the only reason why I still play. I love my fellow guildies.
Their guild LJ-comm is wow_dota, the horde sister guild (which is doing Kara/ZA/Gruul) is wow_doth.
This is tempting, I'd love to chill with you in cyberspace... but leveling a level 70 takes wayyyyyy too long T___T I'm just playing my current 70 on Earthen Ring right now.
I suggest that you try it out, then transfer someone over :x
Also, I don't know when you quit exactly, but a recent patch made leveling 20% faster, opened some new questing stuff in Dustwallow Marsch, nerfed most of the lowbie dungeons and improved the gear drops in them.
Yeah it's probably because the servers are all down for like another five hours (5am to 11am PST). It's $25 to transfer characters, fairly certain, though.
I mean I'd love to play with you, but I also love all my friends on my server... it's not the first time I make an alt on another server, but hard to put time into those.
I really appreciate the offer. I wish Bliz would make transfers more affordable. I just can't justify the expense of 25 bucks for, uh, moving pixels? I guess I could start a new toon, but it'd take me a year to get to 70 =\
There's a lot of girls in my guild that found us through wow_ladies and then transferred like 5+ toons over (over a period of time). They usually say that they loved WoW but hated their server/guild, and because DotA was social, casual and serious, that it was totally worth it.
I mean I understand $25 is a lot, but maybe roll a toon, say hi, and see what you think?
Well we are always in need of healers, and as far as that class goes, we have no Resto Shamans or Holy Pallies. We have other classes of healers, but not in volume either. But the position of the guild is to encourage people to play what they want to play! And I agree ^_^
I am actually the only person in the guild who's main is a Pally too, and we have none with Shaman mains (although lots of alts!). We had a Holy Pally who got kicked out for generally being bitch and a Resto Shaman who left us for a more serious raiding guild.
But yeah, I mean, I could never be a healer, I don't know how people do it! So you should play what you want to play! ^_^
Oh and- I think most of the girls in the guild are taken :x (although i can't comment on hotness)
I actually have a few lowbie toons that haven't gotten any attention from me in a while, notably a Druid at 14 and a Shadow Priest at 21, that I would love to group with you on! So let me know! ^_^
Leveling a Priest is... interesting, to say the least, but I know what you mean :x
My main is Alessia, bank alt is Kated (I spend too much time playing the AH) and my higest alt is Trixaa, a 45 Ele Shaman. So if you see me on, say hi! I want to hop on Trixaa mostly tonight to get the free level boost and collect some festival fires.
I think you'd really like it with my guild, it's the only reason why I still play. I love my fellow guildies.
Their guild LJ-comm is wow_dota, the horde sister guild (which is doing Kara/ZA/Gruul) is wow_doth.
Also, I don't know when you quit exactly, but a recent patch made leveling 20% faster, opened some new questing stuff in Dustwallow Marsch, nerfed most of the lowbie dungeons and improved the gear drops in them.
I wanted to check the price. If it's $10-15 bucks that'd be doable, anything more though is... well, kind of a rip off! :P
I mean I'd love to play with you, but I also love all my friends on my server... it's not the first time I make an alt on another server, but hard to put time into those.
I mean I understand $25 is a lot, but maybe roll a toon, say hi, and see what you think?
Do you guys need more of any particular class, just in case I make it to the top?
I am actually the only person in the guild who's main is a Pally too, and we have none with Shaman mains (although lots of alts!). We had a Holy Pally who got kicked out for generally being bitch and a Resto Shaman who left us for a more serious raiding guild.
But yeah, I mean, I could never be a healer, I don't know how people do it! So you should play what you want to play! ^_^
Oh and- I think most of the girls in the guild are taken :x (although i can't comment on hotness)
Leveling a Priest is... interesting, to say the least, but I know what you mean :x
My main is Alessia, bank alt is Kated (I spend too much time playing the AH) and my higest alt is Trixaa, a 45 Ele Shaman. So if you see me on, say hi! I want to hop on Trixaa mostly tonight to get the free level boost and collect some festival fires.
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