Idiocy Abounds....

Feb 03, 2011 09:33

Apparently, Mayor Bloomberg of New York decided to test Arizona gun laws. Sadly, the Mayor of New York is unfamiliar with Arizona gun laws. Not only did he not have jurisdiction in Arizona to run a sting, the PI's he hired broke the law by concealing their identity when they purchased the weapons.

For the record, in Arizona, at a PRIVATE SHOW/PRIVATE DEALER, you only have to prove you're a citizen of Arizona to purchase a gun. We have gun shows every month here and I think it's great because you can get just about any legal firearm for a reasonable price.

What I want to know is-- why are other states sticking their noses in Arizona's business anyway? If they want to help, then help with things we, as a state, have been asking for help with (illegal immigration) and not something we don't need help with (gun laws). I personally like our gun laws-- even if one rogue and nutty kid was irresponsible with his right to own a gun. Take for instance, Columbine-- the idiot kids broke some 35 gun laws during their rampage... no gun law is going to stop an idiot.


In other news-- the local newspaper is retarded. Half the city doesn't have water due to either frozen pipes or the fact that "extreme cold led to machine malfunctions and the shutdown of pumps at various reservoir and booster sites"... I am amused that the paper changed their article from being about water (or the lack thereof) to other utilities-- ignoring water altogether. WTF?

I could not shower today before work because there was not enough water pressure. Crazy!

... and it's only 20*F outside!... with a wind chill! Talk about "Global Warming"-- we're setting record colds!

Someone called in to the radio this morning to explain how the environmental nuts rotate crisis every 10-years or so... In the 1980's it was "impending ice age". In the 90's it was "Acid-Rain". Now, it's "Global Warming". I wish they'd make up their minds! ... or better yet, stop trying to predict the Earth's NATURAL cycle, k?

weather, idiocy, water, guns

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