'Grrr' to Congress and 'Grr' to the Census

Mar 22, 2010 12:47

I normally avoid political topics, but I'm pretty livid right now about Congress voting to pass that stupid Health Care Crap. When the silent MAJORITY starts speaking up, shouldn't they LISTEN?!

"We're following in the footsteps of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security," Pelosi says... well, I have news for her-- I hate all of those other programs as well. I'm paying for programs that I WILL NEVER BENEFIT FROM... and 30% of my income goes to taxes already. Not only that, but all the BRIBES involved-- people changing their votes after being "promised" something... that may NEVER, EVER come to fruition. This reminds me of silver. For some reason, I can't help but think of the cost of a slave in Roman-Europe! All great nations fall because of corruption. Because the representatives are more interested in power than the good of the people...

What's more-- in 1997, when I was a People to People student ambassador, I got to stay with a Danish family for a week. Somehow, we got on the topic of socialized medicine. Did you know 60% of a Dansk family's income goes to taxes, most of which covers socialized medicine?! That's SIXTY percent. I don't care who you are-- who the hell do you think is going to pay for this BS? Anyone with a background in economics knows that someone is going to foot the bill. There is no such thing as a free lunch. So when those morons can't even do simple math and are saying that this health care thing will "save" money, I don't buy it. It's similar to something unnecessary being on sale... if you don't buy it, you save more money than if you DO buy the sale item-- even if it is on SALE! So telling me you're saving money by SPENDING is a load of horse dookie. Seriously. Did you not pass the simple math classes, people?

I don't want to give up ~60% of my income to other people. I've worked HARD for what I have. Don't give me that BS about "everyone needs health care" either. If you knew the origins of health insurance you would know it started out as a BENEFIT to entice people to work at certain companies. It was a PERK-- NOT a necessity. If you wanted benefits, you worked your ass off to EARN them. They didn't have health care in the 1920's. They didn't have health care in the 1800's. Why do we "need" it now, other than the fact that people are too damned lazy.

... and since when has the government ever IMPROVED efficiency?! All the programs they run end up costing about 10-times more than they're quoted as having cost. They last for years and years longer than they ought to last! Take Social Security, for example, that was some crack-pot idea to help depression-ridden families save and be taken care of DURING THE DEPRESSION! It's been almost 100-years since then... and every year I get my statement, the date in which funding for that program runs out is moved forward. I'm NEVER, EVER going to see a dime of those thousands and thousands of dollars. My GENERATION is NEVER going to see the benefit of that money that was robbed from our hard-working pockets... and then you tack this health care BS on top of it!

... my other complaint with the government is the "long" census forms... which require detailed information about you-- not just how many people are in your household. Furthermore, the form seems to be geared towards "minorities" (which should be read: non-whites... which is funny because I'm actually a "minority" in my town right now... but no one really cares about real numbers in a particular area). I also haven't gotten my form yet... which I'm REQUIRED to fill out.

Anyway, BOO! BOO to those jackals in the federal government. Boo to them for ignoring the MAJORITY of the American population-- the hard-working middle-class who will likely foot this bill. Boo to Congress for being selfish and for NOT REPRESENTING the majority of people... and, on that count, for violating the Constitution of the United States of America as well as violations of State Constitutions!

All comments are screened... just remember, this is MY journal for MY opinions. If you don't like it-- too bad!

census, health care, government, politics, rant

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