Mar 08, 2005 13:13
Hello.Been a shitty day,my computer sucks still because i'm just a nonimportant peon who doesn't matter here and so therefore I've had to work on a crappy piece of shit for last 4 months while i get bitched at in the meantime that production is too slow and get bitched that its the fault of being on icq which isn't the case,i'm not on it anymore then anyone else around here but you know its all good cause one day this piece of shit worlds gonna end and then maybe I can get back to my home planet which apparently isn't this one since all I've had is shit since I was born.While I watch others get whatever they want constantly so I've come to the conclusion this world was not meant for me.Never really fit in over here in the US and if I went back to my own country I wouldn't fit in thereeither cause I'm too americanized so theres nowhere left for me.Anyway have to work the club next couple nights-oh fucking goody!,then rehearsal thursday,then vampire show friday.So its gonna be a very busy week.Hope my pms can get through it all.Anyways too busy to sit and be depressd,theres no time for it right now.I miss my father so much,he really understood me,he was one of the best friends I ever had and now hes gone and I can't go to him for advice or understanding or just for love.So thats life,at least mine.Well back to work.See you all at Bite Club hopefully I'll be in a better mood by then.I know I will when I get to see my friends who I don't get to see much cause of work and other things,so these shows always help me to stay in touch.Hugs and many blessings