- Jole and Misty broke up
- I still have no Boyfriend
- I still hate school
- Jole and I are planning a trip to WA this summer....WOOHOO
- The Promiscuous Allstars have gotten a temp Guitar player since Spang left.....CONGRATS ON THE NEW JOB MARVIN!!!!!!
- Sarah is coming back with me after Jole and mine's three to four week trip to WA......I swear the trip is going to end up like WITHOUT A PADDLE!
- I got new CDs
- I've decided to either design or straight up buy my prom dress
- I have no date for prom yet....and if I don't have one for my senior prom then that is perfectly fine with me
- I still have now b/f
Well have homeowrk to do......so....BLAH!.....hahaha....later