Jun 15, 2013 00:00
Had lunch with cuzzie Zexun at Menya Musashi my fave ramen eatout bcos of the tasty (salty) soup base. I got so excited sharing my story that i didnt even realise he had finished 5 portions of ramen while i was still struggling with 1 regular size. Good to be a teen and its prolly in his genes that he'll remain scrawny/lean for life despite being in dragonboat national team. O the irony. And me? Sorry but gone were the days where high metabolism reigns and il nv go fat when I have beardpapa cream puff as my midnight snack ha! Must maintain what.
I had to make a choice this morning.. But I tried to smoke my way through.. and now I find myself in a sorta difficult position I may hafta lie to cover up my previous lie.
I hate this. Very terrible feeling.
As if that wasn't enough to bother me for the next couple of days.. I came back to read another awful long email yet again?.. le sigh.
I'm so confused and conflicted of late. My thoughts have gone so wayward. Just WWJD?