God Calling

Aug 21, 2012 23:57

Some 2 years ago, like every overseas fresh graduate, i was standing at that crossroad.
Stay or Go?
Study or Work?

Figuring out what God’s plan for me really is.. I guess if i know God’s call upon my life, i could figure my next step with greater ease.

I had this crazy idea of pursuing Nursing. (Background info: You gotta know i’m a Business student majoring in Tourism and Hospitality for years. So why Nursing? I rly lack giftings. But ive come to recognise that this heart of compassion is a special gift from God. I cld start by making use of what i have) So in that way, i could continue to stay in Australia to serve in Hope Church Ipswich. I was delighted when my shepherd then was supportive of the idea too. I firmly believe that ‘If it is God’s will, He will surely open the doors’.

Long story short. All green lights! So i went ahead to execute my plan. It wasn’t until my Grad day that my Godma tried to talk me out of this ‘crazy idea’. It felt like God was playing a prank on me. Bad joke. I cld jolly well insist my way. But what would my God look like to them? Obnoxious? I do respect my elders. Afterall, they’ve gone before me and there’s always some truth and wisdom in their words. ‘Its a demanding job’, ‘i don’t think you are quite there yet’ and many more disapproving comments. I do not always agree with what they say but God does say to Honor your parents. I believe He wouldn’t want me to do what i supposed is His call and defy my family’s orders. At least not this time mm no peace at all.
So it was back to Square 1 all over.

I prayed, sought godly counsel and advice from my spiritual leaders, and still heard nothing from God. Panicked very hard. Prayed again.. until i finally heard a voice inside said to me -
“If you cant show TLC to your immediate family, ur community back in SG, how are you able to show TLC for people whom you have not even met in a distant land”. What hypocrisy. That slapped me real hard.. even to this day. Some wisdom there uh.
I kinda geddit that i should perhaps head back to SG? So i asked God specifically for a sign as confirmation.

And this was that sign:

A bewildering FB message that came outta nowhere lol.

The rest is history - I came back Singapore. Attended that Xmas Musical with my dearest cousin. I will never forget how he'd voluntarily raised his hands during altar call, walked down those flight of stairs, said the sinner's prayer and accepted Jesus into his life. So so precious. This is a testimony in itself!

Just who would have thought that your 'sudden feeling' was a part of God's grand plan. Salvation is a gift.
Many ppl sowed the seed and it was my honor to be reaping this harvest.

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