Sep 10, 2011 20:16
I don't often make these sorts of posts but here we go.
Ten years ago I was a high school sophomore. I was in Arizona and when the towers were hit in New York, I was asleep. I don't remember much about that day (besides the moment of silence around the flag pole at lunch) but I do remember how I first heard of the news-by walking into my Drivers Ed class and finding the teacher watching the news and students frantically calling friends and family from their cell phones. As you can probably imagine, school that day was a joke and it didn't surprise me in the least when the principal cancelled afternoon classes. The rest of the day was spent with my sister, my mom, and my cousin at her house, watching the news.
A lot of people in the US have found their lives affected, myself included. My cousin's husband was sent to Afghanistan and nearly died twice. Friends from high school have gone into service-half the graduating class from that year enlisted once commencement was done. People I knew as kids have died halfway across the world, defending a basic, fundamental right of all human beings-to simply live.
I ask this Sunday that my flist remember that and take a moment during the day to simply think about the people who aren't here now and the hole their deaths left in so many people.
Remember 9-11.
Remember the lost.
Never forget.
x-posted from DW