I wish I could say I didn't expect this eventually. I'm still heart broken. *sniffs*
SG-1 cancelled...my life is over *runs off to rdanderson.com to kiss the man's shoes and beg him to come back and save the show from the Goa'uld*
I have only one thing to say. If RDA doesn't come back for the last few episodes of the show to give it the farewell that it deserves, I will never be a fan of his again. Okay, that's a little harsh. I'll be mad though.
Another thing to say, if they don't end it appropriately...in other words, if they jusy end the show without the proper finale, (I don't think they will, but IF they do) oh, Robert Cooper and Brad Wright will be hearing from my picketing line outside Bridge Studios.
*prays for movie(s) with RDA*
Stacey? Pass me a tissue.