+++ Smallville...just...GAH. I &hearts Lois. And the fact that she and Clark are always butting heads makes me love them even more. And I would like to state for the record that I may have finally fallen in love with Jensen Ackles, but not because of Dean. I don't like Dean. I may have fallen in love with him because of Jason. I SWEAR he
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I love both the brothers, just Dean a little more. I stopped watching the episode before the end of S3 because I was dreading the Dean-goes-to-hell conclusion. It wasn't until about halfway through S4 that my flist was squeeing themselves silly with delight that I picked up where I left off and ended up loving S4. I'm not sure if I would have loved it if I hadn't taken the break and then watched a ton of episodes together so it was not frustrating to wonder where they were going with the story. S4 is actually one of my favorite seasons. Pretty much the entire show is based on multiple religions/cults so I don't see a big difference in S4. But even in the early seasons some of my favorite dealt with faith.
I got sick and a little disgusted with the whole Dean's-gotta-sleep-with-EVERYONE crap.
UGH! I HATE THIS TOO! This is my BIGGEST complaint with the writers. It's called character development. People do change and grow-up in real life especially after traumatic events. LET THEM CHANGE! /end rant. There are some things I turn a blind eye to, like 85% of True Blood.
See, I may do with Supernatural what I've done with Smallville. I KNOW I can't just pick up because after Dean went to hell, I got TOTALLY lost and lost my fangirlishness. I might start it all over again after Smallville. Hmmm.
THANK YOU! FINALLY! Someone else who gets that!
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