Oh my GAWD. *covers her eyes* Even the laughable wig could not have made that movie better. Even BEAN could not make it better. How fucking DEPRESSING is "Clarissa." (No, seriously, I cannot rec it LESS.)
1. People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you. I'm with
rightxhere. *nods*
1. Where did your LJ handle come from?
It's from Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing."
2. How do you style your hair?
Well before the Monster, I usually wore it down, but now, it's usually pulled up in a ponytail. But it's either up in a ponytail or hanging down. Never anything else, I've just realized.
3. What is making you happy right now?
Right now? NOTHING (fuckingdepressingmovie). Though I imagine I'll put in some heartwarming DVD I borrowed from the library next, cuz NO ONE could go to sleep after what I've been watching. (Okay, I'll quit. *eyeroll*)
4. What are you currently reading?
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
5. Do you need music to study/write?
If I'm gonna study (which is never anymore :D), it has to be instrumental music. No lyrics. To write, all I need are no interruptions. :)
6. What is the last song on your playlist?
O_o Which one?
7. What was your first hair dye job?
Like I REMEMBER. Probably blonde highlights. I miss those.
8. Do you have a crush at the moment?
For real or imaginary? For real, always. Imaginary, here's the list: Joe, Ben, Russell, Kevin, Richard, David, Ray, Gerard........
9. What is your favorite movie genre?
Oh GEEZ. Ummmmmmmmmmmm...that really depends on the mood. Probably some British unknown comedy? :P
10. What was the last thing you ate today?
My mom's TOTALLY kickass chicken pot pie.
11. What is your favorite color?
12. What websites do you visit daily?
My email, LJ, Alabama Symphony Orchaestra (as much as I want to see Yo Yo Ma, I will NOT pay $150 for it)...wow, I think that's it. O_o
13. What's your favorite food?
Sushi. :)
14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
I really wish my Italian teacher had kept her promise and dumped us all in the Italian countryside for two months, then I'd be fluent. And my sister-in-law and I REALLY need to get going on the Russian...
15. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have many. Give me a category. (Probably the fork against a plate.)
16. Do you have a birthmark?
(I think moles count.) I've had this one on my face (which I have a hate/love relationship with) that has been there since I was VERY little.
17. Who was your childhood idol?
*shrugs* Probably some ballet dancer. Apparently, I'm fickle.
18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
I get to have a holiday!?!?!? Oh joy!!!!!!! London, please.
19. What is your favorite chocolate from a box of chocolates?
Oh wow. Anything but the cherry crap.
20. If you could go back in time, which historic event would you love to witness?
Oh, what an unfair question. !!!!! Oooooo, what about the first performance of Bach's music?
Y'know, I've just realized that I made a New Year's Resolution (which I NEVER do; I just end up disappointed in myself) without even MAKING a New Year's Resolution.
allisnow makes a list of the books she's read after she's read them and I must admit, I was envious of her count for last year. :D So I thought I'd try that out. Maybe this stack can get smaller now. *crosses fingers*