Feb 25, 2006 22:48
I mentioned in a post a couple of days ago that between the diabetes and the exercise I was loosing weight, what I forgot was I never did post that original entry where I said I had diabetes.
I found out in December that I have Type II (or what was known as adult on-set diatetes), I'm not severely diabetic and I'm not insulin dependent. Both of these are good things. I am now on medication for it, which is nothing interesting it just helps keep the sugar levels in my blood down in normal ranges.
I found out by accident because they wanted to do some familire tests for my mother who has it to a much grater extent. The tests were originally to see if there are any genetic links or something to that effect. The up side to finding out this way is that because it was a doctor who specializes in diabeties I get to keep seeing him. The down side is that I've probably had this for years, more then likely since I was about 14 and it was never caught because of another problem I have that ends up mimicking the insulin indicators (essentially driving my level of insulin up, which is one of the ways of detecting this) of diabeties without actually causing diabeties, although it makes you a whole lot more likely to get it.
In the short term I need to loose weight but other then that it's just a matter of changing some of my eating habits and having to actually read all of that wonderful food information on the sides of packages. Luc and I had already started to change when I found out, but this just made the process that much faster. SO no more deserts out, no more cherry cokes, cookies, doughnuts, meh, I've found other things.
So that's it.