May 26, 2005 00:10
Well this is me sitting here thinking again. I'm trying to decide if I want to go back to school and get something else. It's not going to be full time, it's not going to be quick, but do I want to do it.
The question isn't so much do I, but is there any point. Yes there is always a point to learning; you don't stop learning until you die. And even that's debateable, but not right now. Is there a point to going back and getting something else that I'll probably never use? Do I really want to spend another 25 000 dollars on a piece of paper that will mean nothing to anyone but me? Quick answer: yes, I really do, long answer, well that's where things get... longer.
I want to go back and do something else, maybe do it right this time. You know, actually go to class and get more then mediocre marks. That should have told me that I'd never actually use the degree, not to the point where it should be used. Yes I learned something, I learned a whole lot of something's, but they aren't the kind of something's that I really want to make a career out of.
Do I want to go back to Carleton and take Anthropology? Do I want to go to Algonquin and take a creative writing course? Do I want to go and take something in management training?
Or do I want to go a whole different rout and think outside the box that I've always happily sat in.
And that would be the point where the waters get really muddy. (Don't you just love the overuse of colloquialisms?)
Do I want to stay on the path that I'm on at all and continue into the echelons of upper (or at least lower) management like I always thought that I would? I've always seen myself with a cube, a desk, and a 9-5 job that needs me to wear a suit. Is that really what I want to do for the next thirty years?
I do know that I don't want to be on the phones for the rest of my life.
And with that, I'm going to try and work some of this out in my head and in my journal. If anyone has any suggestions, please feel free to make them.