Stone Soup: Catching up with non-SW

Jan 16, 2012 13:44

I've been sitting on a bunch of Stone Soup links since about mid-November. Mostly because I didn't take the time to write up any posts during the holiday crazy busy timez. More specifically, I took the time to write up posts that were more important than fun stuff I found in the Inner'net. :) Anyway, I have lots of this stuff to post and most of it is very old (in Internet years). Rather than spew out the whole lot at once I plan to do separate posts by theme. Ish.

Here's the non-Star Wars stuff:

- Extremely excellent article on why Labyrinth is a classic and what it represents as an imaginative piece of entertainment and nostalgia. I particularly love the line about Sarah being a "headstrong young female protagonist taking on the world in jeans and sensible shoes." Hear, hear! (Via @clubjade)

- Author Anne McCaffrey passed away in late November. I came late to the SF&F genre and I didn't branch out beyond SW until even later, so I've not read any of her novels. I'm not in any hurry to read them, but for my own reference here's a quick guide to her Pern books.

- I absolutely love this snippet from an interview with Jude Law:
"Interviewer: Tell us about your relationship with Robert Downey Jr.
Jude Law: Oh, I love him.
Interviewer: You have a bit of a bromance going on there.
Jude Law: What is this new term everybody's using? That's a horrible term. What about just a 'romance'?
Interviewer: No, that's not the same, 'cos then you'd have to star in a romantic comedy together or something.
Jude Law: We just have! Have you not seen it?"

Ha ha! I haven't seen the new Sherlock Holmes movie yet but I still know that this has to be truth. :)

- I can really identify with what John Scalzi wrote last week: every now and again "I has a duh" for a day and don't really feel up to any kind of significant anything. Sometimes the brain just won't engage. When that happens I usually curl up with either a book or the TV, or a movie like National Treasure or The Mummy. :)

- Strawberry Short Snake. Hee! Almost too cute to eat! :)

- From Katie: Settlers of Catan plus Star Trek. Sounds like the game mechanics for Catan don't change all that much, but heck, I'd play it for the Star Trek setting alone. I find it amusing that the article title uses "jump to lightspeed" which is a Star Wars phrase, whereas Trek generally uses the phrase "warp speed", heh. Now, if they were making a Star Wars version of Catan I would buy it in a heartbeat! :)

- From cjtremlett: The Solar System, done in eight chocolate morsels. Wow. Very pretty. Earth and Saturn are my favorites.

- Someday, in my dream house, I would love to have this kind of book room/reading room.

movies, stone soup, books, star trek, gaming, rip, entertaining, scalzi, reference, food/dining

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