For laughs:
Ice machine dispenser engineering manual. It's funny because it's true. Also, I've never really liked refrigerators that have water and ice cube dispensers.
Missing the point of headphones. I don't run into this a lot but when I do it's no less annoying. Also annoying, people who watch portable DVD players WITHOUT headphones. Manners, folks, c'mon.
No one ever takes Luke Skywalker seriously. Ha! How did I not notice this before??
ASCII Star Wars characters and BASIC programming FTW! -
Snakes on planes. Yay for math puns. :)
Warm fuzzies:
A lesson from Dr. Seuss on keeping it simple. I need to print that and hang it on my bedroom wall where I'll see it every single day.
Fun art:
The men of Firefly, art nouveau style. I like the
ladies' art better but I'm glad the menfolk weren't ignored.
- Jango and Boba Fett,
"No Task Too Treacherous". Neat.
- From
Trogdor mosaic. Very nice. :)
Old Ben's Sabers Sales & Service. I kind of what that shirt, actually.
- From
Digital Rights quiz. I chose...poorly. Got 4 out of 8.
The Rest:
- From
A Star Wars Nursery. I might just do something like this some day.
- Neat photos from Return of the Jedi
shooting on location in Buttercup Valley, CA (aka the Great Pit of Carkoon) in 1982.
- Last month
I posted links to film reviewer Drew McWeeny's blog as he recounted showing Star Wars to his sons for the first time. They wrapped it up with
Return of the Jedi and the story is just as amazing and fun to read. It makes me happy to know that the magic of SW truly worked for these two youngsters. I also think the chosen viewing order of the films, putting the prequel trilogy between Empire and Jedi, was a good one.
- Rancho Obi-Wan, uber fan Steve Sansweet's humongous collection, had it's
grand re-opening and holy crap, the pictures are amazing. I would love to tour the place! More picture galleries
here. There's even a
gift shop!.