Sep 11, 2009 00:23
Today was not a good day for me, car wise.
First I had an hour and a half commute home from the city, took forever just to GET to the damn bridge. Then after the Yeah Yeah Yeahs concert, I call up dad to say goodnight and he tells me a parking ticket was sent to the house. 250$! For parking in a bus zone! WHICH I TOTALLY DID NOT DO!
The liscence plate number is right on the ticket, but the ticket also said my car is blue, so I don't know what's going on here. I've got some phone calls to make tomorrow, also to the pet meds distribitor asking WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SEND SIMON'S MEDS TO MY BILLING ADDRESS WHEN I SPECIFICALLY TOLD YOU NOT TO!?
Ugh, I need to shower but after that it is so time for bed before my car explodes or something.