This show is amazing, its so well done. I've never seen anything like it before. Its so racist on everything!
In other news i went out with my friend Dave yesterday. Did the shopping thing and to my delight we even got to check out the abandoned fruit market behind the mall. It was on-fire earlier this week. We found a few ways to get in and not a single no trespassing sign in site. He wants to go back with me, him taking pics of it and me drawing it. I think its sweet.
Then after i went to another mall with more friends. Jen couldn't wait and gave me my present last night. Pink wings and a pink boa. I don't understand the whole thing with pink, my favorite color is green. Then pink and yellow. But i seem to hover over the color. To girly.
This week will be my last of work. No more Hasbro for me. I'll be back in school very soon. I cant wait, so excited. My first class will be educational theater. Apparently i need to sing. Last time i sang was junior high chorus, so i'm thinking this wont go over smoothly, but it'll be fun non the less.
Christmas is in a week! I cant wait to pass out my gifts, but i still need to get my brother's. He's so difficult some times. I have no idea what he wants other then getting that stupid car to move.