I hate Goblet of Fire movie Dumbledore

May 09, 2020 02:05

MCAT registration reopened and I am tentatively rescheduled for June 20th. They shortened the test to 6 hours to make up for adding test dates and I now have to take it from 6pm to midnight. I don’t know how I feel about it being shortened... on the one hand, cool like who wants to spend 9 hours taking a test? But on the other hand, each question is going to be weighted heavier now and we don’t get a mid way break. I actually think taking it later at night will be beneficial for me because I always feel more alert at night and that 6am original start time would have been gross. They’ve also sped up score releases and delayed AMCAS releasing applications to schools so I should have my scores by July 7th in time for the July 10th app release. Pretty fucking nervous about all of this to be honest. I deleted all my social apps and have tried to just be really disciplined about studying for it. I already miss my friends from all this social distancing shit but I’m just going to keep it up until test day.
It feels surreal to have graduated and officially have a bachelors degree now. It’s kind of hilarious that this is how my final semester of undergrad would end. A full blown pandemic. Of course.
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