
Jul 23, 2010 01:19

cleartempest  gave me these meme questions to answer and I am doing it rather belatedly. xD

The questions are as follow :

1. What is a song that you can never get tired of?
2. What was the last thing you drew?
3. What is one thing you learned in uni?
4. I think you've mentioned that you lived away from your family? What do you miss most about living with them?
5. What is a quality a person could have that you just find soo annoying?

1. What is a song that you can never get tired of?

I have a few actually xD.

Elegy by Hirai Ken
Pub & Go (piano cover) by Noriaki Sugiyama/ England~
Anything from Switchfoot's Beautiful Letdown album
W8 World Ondo piano cover (Hetalia)


2. What was the last thing you drew?

To be very, very honest, I'm working on my SN exchange picture so I can't really show you guys, but this was the last major piece I was working on :

It's making me cross-eyed. xD

3. What is one thing you learned in uni?

That I miss my school friends terribly and that unless you actively approach people, it can be rather lonely. =d

4. I think you've mentioned that you lived away from your family? What do you miss most about living with them?

Not doing housework. LOL. Seriously though, I miss having my parents as a support system; speaking to them on the phone is not the same as having them there in the flesh and blood to actively tell you off or give you a hug when you're feeling a bit down in the dumps. xD

5. What is a quality a person could have that you just find soo annoying?

CLINGY PEOPLE. Dude, I love having people around me, but once you start seeking me out every minute of every hour of every day, I swear I'm crucifying you. I'm a creature who needs my own bubble of personal space. xD

meme, art

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