Title: Gotta Be More Than Hoping It's Right
Pairings: Jongkey
Genre: Friendship, Romance, Fluff?
Rating: PG-13 (language, yo.)
Warnings: This is probably the only fic I’ve ever posted on the same day I wrote it. It’s haphazard, a little rushed, and snarkier than most of my writing.
Word count: 358
Summary: They’d sat by one of the fountains, people-watching and pretending to push each other in.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything remotely useful, meaning only the story.
Notes: Firstly, the title is taken from Hands Open by Snow Patrol. Secondly; not agonizing over a piece of writing for days to weeks to months- it’s something new for me. And I can’t lie; I’m finding it exciting. >_>
gotta be more than hoping it’s right
SHINee had had a good, long run and it was now over. The members parted on good terms, going their separate ways, well, except for Jonghyun and Key.
Why, you ask?
Well, the two had decided they were going to stick together until they were sick to death of each other, as they always had.
And they’d gone, just the two of them on a well-earned vacation to London. It was the afternoon of last day, and Jonghyun had dragged him to Trafalgar Square, insisting that they had to see it before they left.
They’d sat by one of the fountains, people-watching and pretending to push each other in.
It had felt like an afternoon well spent and silence grew between them as the sun began to set.
Key stretched, yawning slightly, standing up to return to their hotel.
Key cocked his head to look at Jonghyun, and his eyes widened at the serious look on Jonghyun’s face.
Before he knew it, Jonghyun was on his knee in front of him- oh god he’s on his knee oh god oh god.
They were in the middle of Trafalgar Square, a million people were watching, and Jonghyun was on his fucking knee. Key was shitting himself, and honestly that was the best way to put it.
He was terrified.
Terrified of what this might mean for their relationships with their families, terrified how the public would take it, and he couldn’t help it, but even a little terrified of the commitment.
But shit, when Jonghyun had asked, the words had been soft and humble, and Key knew this public proposal was meant to prove to him that he meant this; that he wasn’t fucking around. That he truly wanted to be with this diva and his sass for the rest of his life.
“Will you grow old with me?” Were the chosen words, and they were a promise of forever, and always.
He couldn’t say that his fears were washed away; he couldn’t say he wasn’t still scared as hell.
But he could say he dearly loved the man knelt before him, and maybe that was good enough.