Mar 08, 2004 04:13
yes im alive just to good for lj.
School still sucks vagina. Work still sucks cock. in 5 months i will be in vegas celebrating my 21st with the coolest fucking cats. in less than 5 months i will be the hell out of rockford.
I feel like shit right now, i have a headache and the more weed i smoke the worse it gets, yet i keep smoking. i hung out with an old friend tonight, yet all i could think about was what brandon was doing in miami. he comes how wed. i miss him dearly, i miss our nightly conversations. even though hes called me like a million times sinces he got there. in between every party i get a drunk call from him. I LOVE IT.
the drunken text messages make me pretty hot too! mmmmm next weekend shall be a drunken good time. 3 hour train rides with my partner in crime will also be a splendid time. I LOVE HAVING EXCITING WEEKENDS TO LOOK FORWARD TO.
night NUKKAHS!